Community: From Me to We


Trend Synopsis:
This micro trend from the @portasagency Kindness Economy report highlights the shift from selling to lone consumers to serving communities of people looking to connect around the shared values of a brand.

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What’s driving the trend:
“We’ve all witnessed the slow burn of environmental awareness suddenly ignited as Greta Thunberg inspired millions to take to the streets. The #MeToo movement of 2017 did the same for gender politics. More recently, Black Lives Matter has provoked worldwide activism and outrage. Then came Covid-19, which has catalysed and crystallised this all significantly. Everyone, without exception, has undergone a fundamental emotional shift. We’ve seen mass introspection and a re-examination of how we live and want to live.” @portasagency

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Embrace the trend:
We worked with @vendeurfashion , an honest style platform for socially conscious humans to curate a cross-section of fashion, beauty and lifestyle brands delivering style without forcing you to compromise your ethics:

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Clockwise from top left:

@tothefairestlondon Fragrance made in the UK and supporters of THRIVE and Head to Toe charities

@birdsonglondon Thoughtful, original wardrobe staples Made by talented local women for London Living Wages.
@byrotationofficial A peer to peer rental app seen in BoF, Forbes, Vogue
@akojomarket A curated marketplace connecting you to ethical brands fusing design & artisan craft


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